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Our names are Preeti K., Navya M., and Lillian T. 

Our project aims to spread more awareness on childhood/pediatric cancer since a lot of people aren’t aware or formally educated about this topic, and it is something of which everybody should be aware of. As of November 17th, 2014, the American Childhood Cancer Organization stated that there were thousands of children between birth and 19 years old, who were diagnosed with pediatric cancer annually. Every diagnosis that is given affects the patient’s life in all aspects: family, friends, and school. When a kid is diagnosed with cancer, it affects not only their parents but also their community. The whole family's routine is now focused on hospital visits, test results, and the challenges that cancer treatment brings. This can mean disruption of family life for months or even years during treatment. Many families also have financial struggles paying hospital bills and loans. It is important to spread awareness because families of cancer patients should have a supportive community!

We believe everyone that no matter how big or small they help, they can 
define kids' futures, and can change the world.

Our Mission

Here is a description of our mission and goals. We chose to spread awareness on childhood cancer for two main reasons: the research for childhood cancer is underfunded, and there is often a stigma around cancer patients that we want to address. Furthermore, when cancer comes to mind, the struggles of children with cancer usually aren’t thought of first. More people should be aware of the hardships faced by children with cancer, as well as their families, who try their best to support their kids. Our goal is to increase education and awareness in our community.

Our Mission

Our Vision

It is important to spread awareness because no family should struggle through something by themselves; we must offer support and help by any means necessary. Together we must build a supportive community!

Our Impact

There were several activities that we have planned to raise children’s awareness on this issue, as well as offering different methods they could use to help out cancer patients. With all our activities combined, we have educated 1,000+ kids along with parents. We’ve been teaching kids what childhood cancer was, how they can show empathy towards those who are struggling, and finally how they can help out cancer patients. We are dedicated to improving the lives of children with cancer by creating aware, supportive communities for families who face these terrible diagnoses.

We Need Your Support Today!

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